How to Find Grounding in the Midst of Chaos: Navigating Anxiety During Escalating Violence in the Middle East

As the violence in the Middle East escalates, many of us—especially Arabs living abroad—are grappling with heightened anxiety and emotional turbulence. The constant influx of distressing news can leave us feeling powerless and overwhelmed. During these challenging times, finding ways to stay grounded becomes vital.

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The Anxiety of Watching from Afar

For those with ties to the Middle East, the turmoil is deeply personal, whether due to family connections, cultural roots, or shared history. This personal link intensifies the emotional impact, creating a complex mix of grief, anger, and helplessness.

The emotional weight of these events can make daily functioning feel impossible. That’s why it’s crucial to implement grounding practices that help reconnect us with the present, so we can regain a sense of stability and control over our emotional well-being.

Fresh Grounding Techniques to Navigate Anxiety

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Cognitive Restructuring Through Visualization

Traditional visualization practices are enhanced with cognitive restructuring, a psychological tool that helps reshape negative thought patterns. Envision yourself handling difficult emotions or situations successfully, using grounding tools and feeling calm in stressful moments.

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Somatic Grounding with Bilateral Stimulation

Bilateral stimulation, commonly used in therapies like EMDR, can be a grounding technique for daily use. Alternating taps on your right and left knees or shoulders in rhythm while focusing on your breath engages both hemispheres of your brain, helping to ground you in the present moment.

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Cognitive Difusion Techniques

Cognitive difusion is a therapeutic technique that creates distance from distressing thoughts. A fun way to practice this is to assign your anxious thoughts a harmless or humorous voice—like a cartoon character. This approach weakens the power of anxious thoughts by making them feel less serious and intense.

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Environmental Anchoring with Nature Elements

Grounding with nature—even indoors—can offer stability. Engage with small natural objects like stones, leaves, or water. Gently touch or interact with these elements, feeling their textures or temperatures to reconnect with the earth, reminding yourself that even in chaos, stability exists in the natural world.

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Sensory Deprivation as a Grounding Tool

While most grounding techniques focus on engaging the senses, sensory deprivation can provide relief. Use a dark room, a weighted blanket, or a bath to limit sensory input and allow your overstimulated nervous system to rest. This creates a calm space for your mind to reset, away from external chaos.

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Self-Care is Not Selfish: Sustaining Our Advocacy Through Mental Health

In times like these, it’s easy to feel that prioritizing self-care is selfish or unimportant. However, the reality is that taking care of our mental health is essential if we want to sustain our advocacy and show up for others in meaningful ways. We cannot pour from an empty cup. By grounding ourselves and managing our anxiety, we regain the emotional and mental clarity needed to engage in the present moment and contribute to change. Whether it’s supporting a cause, educating others, or simply being there for family and friends, tending to our mental well-being ensures that we can continue to advocate for what matters most. Focusing on what we can do in the now—such as raising awareness, offering support, and staying informed—allows us to channel our energy into actionable steps, even during uncertain times. Self-care is the foundation of sustained action and resilience.

Emotional Intelligence E-Book

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Moving Forward with Intention

The ongoing violence in the Middle East can make us feel overwhelmed, but by grounding ourselves with these practices, we regain control over how we manage our emotions. Grounding techniques like cognitive restructuring, bilateral stimulation, and even sensory deprivation allow us to find peace amid uncertainty.

Remember that caring for ourselves is a necessary first step in caring for others. As we move through these difficult times, grounding can help us stay resilient and provide strength to those who need us.

Free Resources & Tools

Navigate Your Anxiety Successfully

For more tools and guidance on grounding techniques, you can follow along with my videos on YouTube yoga flow for grounding here and mindfulness-based tools here. These practices can help you create a steady foundation in times of stress. I’ve also created a playlist with mental health tools to help you navigate these trying times.

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